Madison FACT Poster Campaign

Madison area FACT youth designed an eye-catching poster campaign to raise awareness about the dangers of vaping and provide resources to help people quit.

Link to posters

Madison area FACT youth then hosted a community event to showcase the posters, educate young people about the dangers of vaping, and share quit resources with the community.

There were also several interactive stations that provided information about the history of tobacco including a timeline dating back to6000 BC. The timeline highlighted the intentional targeting of BIPOC, LGBTQ+,and youth communities by commercial tobacco throughout the years.

Another station exposed some of the chemicals found in vapes, including formaldehyde, acetone, and benzene. These chemicals are not intended for consumption, and are often used for preserving corpses, removing nail polish, or fueling cars. The students at this station spoke about what they learned during the project.

Madison FACT group worked with UW-Madison Extension and a local graphic designer to create posters and other media projects like school newspaper series and photovoice project. They worked together to design strategies to raise awareness and reduce e-cigarette use among youth in Dane County.

“It’s important to educate the public on vaping and tobacco use. We focus on teaching kids about the dangers of these products. A lot of itcomes from peer pressure. We want kids and people to know that there are other options and there are preventative measures and ways that we can help them aswell. And we want to have them educated about this stuff before they’re even exposed to it in schools or just wherever out in public.” Kalia Thao

“We learned about all the tobacco history, how it affects teens, and I already had this awareness about how tobacco was bad, but I didn't see it in full force until doing this group. Upon seeing this, I was like yeah, this is a big problem, and I see it every day.” Khady

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