What does it mean to be a youth-driven movement? It’s right there in the title. FACT has run on pure teen activism since it started way back in 2001, uniting Wisconsin young people who are ready to stand up, speak out, and make a real difference.

Still, taking on the tobacco and nicotine industry’s not easy. So FACT supports their local activism with lots of resources, hands-on mentors and public health pros who know the facts about nicotine, vaping and more.

FACT members spread the truth

From 7th grade through their senior year, FACT activists work together to host local events, plan activities and educate WI communities.

A hand holding a microphone in an abstract design style.

Repped by youth board members

These FACT leaders advocate for their local members and shape the movement with their input.

A hand pointing in an abstract design style.

Mentored by FACT advisors

There’s an adult advisor for every FACT group, there to help teens set goals, solve problems and stay connected.

A person holding their thumb up in an abstract design style.

Supported by FACT professionals

Professional staffers provided by the American Lung Association help keep FACT running smoothly, working closely with youth board members and adult advisors to expand and improve the movement.

A girl looking through binoculars in an abstract design style.

Guided by a coalition of community programs

FACT is ably managed by the American Lung Association, funded by Wisconsin’s Commercial Tobacco Prevention & Treatment Program, and organized with the help of local health alliances.

A flag with the American Lung Association logo on it in an abstract design style.
Black paper that has been torn at the top.

FACT's mission

We empower youth to create a healthier Wisconsin by becoming advocates for tobacco and nicotine use prevention.

Stand up

Build valuable leadership, teamwork, and communication skills for college and your future career—while making new friendships.

Speak out

Collaborate with others in your school and around your community to educate everyone about the harm tobacco and nicotine products can do.

Make a difference

Have a positive impact on your community’s health by taking action to raise awareness, help prevent harm, and maybe even save lives.

Black paper that has been torn at the bottom


Wisconsin teens meet up and start FACT.

Imagine it: Hundreds of teens from all over Wisconsin come together for one enormous (and enormously inspiring) tobacco-free event. By the end of it, they’d launched FACT—the first youth-driven tobacco prevention movement of its kind in our state. Since then, FACT has evolved to take on some of the biggest health issues facing young people: nicotine addiction, manipulative marketing tactics, mental health, and more. Countless young leaders have decided to take action and stand up for tobacco-free communities since 2001. They’ve made this movement unstoppable.

A rocket ship with the FACT logo on it in an abstract design style.


FACTivists help WI go smoke-free.

Don’t let anyone tell you one person’s voice can’t make a difference. Because back in 2010, we proved them wrong—one voice, one story at a time. While legislators debated over new statewide tobacco control policies, FACT teens shared their own personal experiences with tobacco use and all the harm that it can do. Their inspirational storytelling and advocacy efforts helped shape public opinion and influenced policymakers to prioritize everyone’s health. It took a lot of work, but Wisconsin finally went smoke free—with FACT’s help.

The state of Wisconsin with a no-smoking icon over the top in an abstract design style.


FACT movement takes a new direction.

From the start, FACT stood for Fighting Against Corporate Tobacco. But eventually, that name needed an update—because sticking it to Big Tobacco was never the point. FACT is here to help people get honest information about vapes and other nicotine products, and to learn how to recognize the tobacco industry’s influence in their own community. So we dropped “the fight” from our name and focused FACT’s message on proactive health advocacy that educates everyone on the realities of tobacco use. That’s our real mission: Spreading the Truth About Tobacco.

The FACT logo being painted by two hands in an abstract design style.


The start of a youth vaping epidemic.

You know there’s a youth vaping problem when the U.S. Surgeon General gets involved. The tobacco industry has loaded e-cigarettes up with fun colors, sweet flavors, and soooo much addictive nicotine, it’s kind of no surprise the number of teens trying and using vapes skyrocketed. So when the surgeon general called for immediate action to protect young people’s health, FACT answered. Across Wisconsin, FACTivists intensified their efforts to educate their peers and communities about the dangers of vaping and nicotine addiction. And we haven’t stopped yet.

A series of vapes lined up next to each other in front of a graph.


FACT makes mental health a priority.

Ask Wisconsin teens why they vape or use nicotine products and a lot of them are going to say the same thing: It helps me deal with stress. Which is pretty messed up, because research shows that nicotine can actually trigger stress and make anxiety and depression worse. That’s why FACT launched Reach Out in 2023—an educational campaign that helps young people find healthier ways to deal. It also explains what really happens to your mental health when using tobacco and nicotine. FACT members are teaching their friends to reach out for help instead of nicotine.

A visual representation of a man falling into the grips of tobacco in an abstract design style.
Black paper that has been torn at the top.


This year’s selected representatives prove this movement is chock full of natural born leaders.

Wisconsin Rapids
Wisconsin Rapids
Wisconsin Rapids


Get to know a few of the dedicated professionals who make FACT’s work possible. Have questions or want to connect? Contact us at

FACT Staff
FACT Manager
Zoe Hurdle
FACT Specialist
Maddie Emer
FACT Coordinator
Black paper that has been torn at the bottom

Join the FACT Movement

Make a difference in Wisconsin's health by becoming part of a local FACT group today.